david conway

Murder Mystery Evening

29 Nov 24 - 30 Nov 24   |   £65.00
Come and join us for a night of mystery & food! 

We will be joined by Third Wheel Events who will tell you a story! You will enjoy a glass of Sparkling Wine on arrival, followed by a three course meal. 

The Murder Mystery events are running for two nights, with two different themes. 

Friday, 29th November 2024 - 
Room Service, Please - "Come for dinner in our luxurious hotel and discover what happens when the staff clock off. Who is facing dismissal? What is the manager hiding? And why is the housekeeper so mad? Uncover bickering, betrayal, and backstabbing, as we find out who will make it through the night"

Saturday 30th November 2024 - 
The Haunting of Motley Manor - "Welcome to Motley Manor, the most haunted estate in England in its first public opening since the death of chambermaid Molly Mop 30 years ago. Join us as world renowned psychic Charlotte Tan hosts a live séance in an attempt to uncover secrets from beyond the grave. " 

Prices and Menu to follow. Email [email protected] for further details.